Attorney at Law


A track record that
speaks for itself.

Case Histories

The following constitutes a few career highlights of Attorney Tom Moser.


Case Study #1: Protecting the Insured and Proving “New” Laws

In 1996, the Second District Court of Appeal, in a case Paper Savers, Inc v. Nacsa (1996) 51 Cal. App. 4th 1090, the business location of Tom’s Client was completely destroyed by a fire.  The Client had only $500,000 in contents coverage and was under-insured by over $2,000,000.  With some ingenuity, Tom, claimed that his Client was owed more than the policy limits due to misrepresentations made by the Client’s insurance agent.   Before this case, insurance company’s limits of liability were strictly limited to the actual policy limits.  Eventually, this case was settled for more than $950,000.

This case is an example of a trailblazing case in the area of expanding an insured’s right under an insurance policy.  This case has been cited in several legal treatises and has allowed other attorneys to obtain earthquake coverage for many of their Clients for damages caused by the 1994 Northridge earthquake, when their insurance policies did not contain any coverage for earthquake damage.  

There is no greater contribution an attorney can make in his career, than helping to create a “new” area of the law.


There is no greater contribution an attorney can make in his career, than helping to create a “new” area of the law.



Case Histories (cont.)


Wrongful Death and Medical Malpractice

Case Study #2

Wrongful Termination and Discrimination

Case Study #3

Estate Administration, Probate, and Real Estate Settlements

Case Study #4

Sexual Harassment and/or Misconduct

Case Study #5

Wrongful Termination

Case Study #6

Wills, Trusts, Accounting, and Administration of Estates

Case Study #8

Estate, Will, and Trust Challenges

Case Study #7


Tom Moser continues to build an impressive reputation as a hard-working, successful Attorney with a knack for trying challenging cases and obtaining large verdicts for his Clients.